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artist Dgiphi aka Asur


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Dgiphi aka Asur

Dgiphi, Portuguese artist, born in 1993 this native of the Algarve, influenced by this art since very young. From the age of 12 he began to paint graffiti, since 11 years of dedication.

In his school two more boys (influences), the drawings of the classes began to appear, there began, the picardy who made his best lettring, starting by painting abandoned houses, and the cans were not the best “drugstore” however the story was evolving , wall of fames at school, paintings every weekend to train, the artist’s style was appearing and evolving “wild style” designed with vivid colors, shapes geometries and peppered with photo-rialism, “purple / violet” your colo, Dgiphi today continues with more incentive, marking its history already with several partnerships, brands, festivals and several times international, Amsterdam (holand), milan (italy), Bangkok (thailand), kuta (indonesia) continuing the route.

Dgiphi, artista português , nascido em 1993 este natural do Algarve, influenciado por esta arte desde muito novo. A partir dos seu 12 anos começou a pintar graffiti, já la vão 11 anos de dedicação. Na sua escola mais dois rapazes(influencias), os desenhos das aulas foram surgindo, aí começou, a picardia quem fazia o seu lettring melhor, começando por pintar casas abandonadas , e as latas não eram as melhores “drogaria” entretanto a historia foi evoluindo, wall of fames na escola, pinturas todos os fim de semana para treinar, o estilo do artista ia aparecendo e evoluindo “wild style” concebido com cores vivas , formas geometrias e apimentado com foto-rialismo , “roxo/violeta” a sua cor de eleição, Dgiphi hoje continua com mais incentivo, marcando a sua historia já com varias parcerias, marcas, festivais e várias vezes internacional, Amsterdam(holand), milao(italy), Bangkok(thailand), kuta(indonesia) continuando o percurso.

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