Lodzkie Centrum Wydarzen finished the work on „Nostalgia”, a new artistic installation in public space. The installation is composed of hundreds dried flowers and floristic elements, covered in transparent resin. It’s author is Dominika Cebula, a student of Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz.
The installation called “Nostalgia” has been installed on a tram stop nearby Grand Theatre by intersection of Narutowicza and Sterling Streets. Walls of the tram shelter has been replaced by glass showcases, where the author located 36 multicolored floristic compositions covered in resin. Resin panels were filled with different kinds of flowers: cornflowers, formet-me-nots, roses, narcissuses, freesias, daisies, fern leaves, muscaris, eustomas, alstroemerias, pansies, cloves, daffodils, orchids and many other flowers. Thanks to the resin you can keep their colours and beauty.
The primary value of this installation is above all the visual layer and basing its form on a subtle, natural beauty of the flowers and floristic elements. Using resin allows to conserve and keep this beauty in specific form and to contrast it with concrete – asphalt street surroundings. We took into account different variants of exploiting artistic possibilities, which resin gives. We considered various locations, however the tram stop on the Dabrowskiego Square, because of many reasons, appears to be the right choice. Additional charm of this place is the fact that for over 30 years it has been possible to buy flowers in here for all day long – says Michał Bieżyński, curator of the project.
The author of the installation is Dominika Cebula, student of Acadaemy of Fine Arts in Lodz:
The idea of flowery bus stop came from willingness to be closer to nature and to juxtapose the colours of flowers with the grayness seeping out of concrete city. The walls of the bus stop were created out of hundreds of dried flowers embedded in the resin. Flowers and bouquets have huge meaning in our culture and history: when we congratulate someone, when we celebrate, when we show our feelings to someone. Flowers are a metaphor for what is beautiful and ephemeral. Lots of them come from bouquets that either my family or my friends have received.
Last year Dominika Cebula submitted her installation to project called “Przecieki sztuki”. A competition addressed to young artists, organized for 4 consecutive years by Lodzkie Centrum Wydarzen. It turned out to be so absorbing in order to develop its basic form, expand its potential and organize it during this year. Exposition of the installation on Dabrowskiego Square will last at least till the end of October, although it is possible that it will be transported to different tram stop.
„Nostalgia” is another public art installation located in city space arranged by Lodzkie Centrum Wydarzen. Since 2015 LCW has been organizing art projects with creators from various parts of the world, within the confines of which in the city center are coming into being varied objects, such as sculptures, low reliefs and temporary artistic installations. The most recognized are bas-relief titled „Cisza” composed of 1300 metal bars fasten to the wall on Wolczanska 13, neon called “Wdech/ Wydech” placed on Narutowicza 21, ceramic mosaic on Zachodnia 93 or finally the sculpture “Ciezar Niewlasciwy” on the premises of Lodz Fabryczna railway station.
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