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DigArt Street Art Project, Brindisi, Italy

June 10, 2015

Even Brindisi, such as Berlin and other major cities, want to give space to street art, involving many artists in the development of a work evocative walls of the dam of Punta Riso, this is the razon to create project itinerant Digart.

The particularity of the project artists will have at your disposal 2385 metri of wall.

“DigArt” is a project that will call in support illustrators, writers, national and international artists who will compete to transform through their colors, their suggestions, the dam Punta Rice, like canvas in the open sea and the world’s largest. It aims to bring “out” the contemporary art practice and in particular the urban art, as art border and place it in close contact with the territory in order to stimulate a process of interaction.

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