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SAME 84 & Urban Act in Patras 2016-05-29

SAME 84 & Urban Act in Patras

Artwalk 2 / Patras Street Art Festival, presents  a big wall that was fulfilled just some days ago! Same84 along with Urban Act worked 3 days to decorate one of the many building facades that were offered for  the festival’s interventions.Here are some great shots that show the whole work underway and the final result.

same84 urbanact Patra (3)same84 urbanact Patra (1)

same84 urbanact Patra (13) same84 urbanact Patra (11)

Inspired by the dynamics of graffiti as a social art form around the urban environment, artists will hit the streets. Citizens have offered their wall spaces to be taken over by artists. Workshops, conversations will also be included in this part of the festival.


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