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SNAPSHOT VARIATIONS check the website

May 12, 2017 to May 18, 2017

The exhibition Snapshot Variations (Aufnahme & Umformung) presents large-format canvases by Austrian artist Esther Messner and Colombian-Mexican artist Stinkfish. Both artists focus on portraiture using photographic material as their starting point, which they transmute in their artistic process. Snapshot Variations (Aufnahme & Umformung) highlights this decisive shift, with the exhibited works presenting the results of two very different artistic positions.


Hinterhof :lab

Neubaugasse 25/ Innenhof

1070 Vienna(Austria)

The show can be viewed daily from noon until 7pm at the hinterhof :lab, Neubaugasse 25 (courtyard), or by appointment. The entrance is free.

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