Upfest – The Urban Paint Festival, will host 400 artists from across the globe painting in front of 50,000 visitors to what has become the largest & FREE event of it’s kind in Europe. Established in 2008 by a small team of like minded individuals who just wanted to create a space for artists
to come together, have a paint and show off their skillz. The team, is now made up of 80+ volunteers!
The cost of hosting this free festival is almost £150,000, so just under a month ago they launched their crowd-funding campaign to raise £20,000 in order to support the visiting artists with some materials and their infrastructure costs. With just a few days to go they are almost at target but need a final push, if they don’t hit the target they wont get a penny.
Not only will you be supporting an incredible event, but many of their artists have given up designs, artworks & clothing in order for you to be further rewarded for your generosity. Whether you pledge a fiver for an Upfest smile or £1,000 for a baked bean chair, the crew, artists and volunteers will massively appreciate any support you offer.
Post by Tim Jentsch / ISSA team
You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
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