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the street is our gallery


August 12, 2023 to August 25, 2023

BLOOP is one of the world’s leading and completely free art festivals, renowned for its OpenAir.Gallery. These outdoor murals and installations can be visited all year round, embodying the festival ethos “ART IS FOR EVERYBODY”. A strictly inclusive celebration that has never asked for a penny for its activities over the course of 13 years. With art, creativity, and community, the event has transformed Ibiza into an outdoor gallery. Spreading vibrant colors and powerful messages throughout the island to art enthusiasts and the general public alike.

Nature at Rise by Pineapple Nadal: Biokip Atelier

This year taking ‘BELIEVE’ as its central theme, the island-wide festival will return this summer with exciting new artist participations TBA in the coming weeks.

BLOOP is joining forces with organizations to further elevate the OpenAir Gallery project. The collaboration makes available a series of ubiquitous electric transformers scattered across the island and a large 500m2 facade, transforming them into artistic canvases for BLOOP artists to showcase their creativity.


Event's Gallery:

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