Hot Sluts & Poutine is the dynamic brain child of Montreal artists Lacey Jane and Layla Folkmann. Their work is a stylistic departure into the world of portrait narratives, ranging from explosive glamour to humourous desires, empowering hypersexualization and critiques of western society. Hot Sluts and Poutine believe that a canvas wet with humour can break down the stigma surrounding open conversations on sex and human appetites.
The name Hot Sluts and Poutine was birthed from a combination of positive reclamation- using the word slut as a rallying point for sexual liberation and empowerment- and from Ppoutine- a deliciously greasy dish that is uniquely Canadian.
Graduating together in 2009 from Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, AB, Canada, Hot Sluts and Poutine have since studied at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada (2013-2015) and L’Ecole d’Enseignement Superieur d’Art, in Bordeaux France (2016). Hot Sluts and Poutine are primarily studio painters and muralists, and have executed murals all across Canada, as well as in Honduras, Uganda and France. They are members of the urban art collective A’Shop in Montreal.
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