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MOS Indonesia Open Call

Posted: 02/09/2022
Expiring: 01/03/2022
who calls: Meeting of Styles
contact email:
location: Karanganyar (Indonesia)
MOS Indonesia Open Call

Expect an exotic event in the far east with nice wall space, different styles and culture! Call for artists for The First Meeting of Styles INDONESIA, and Calling for Artists all around the world to Join. Submissions are open until March 1st 2022. Get your application form bellow this Post or Menu Bar. One artist can only submitted One application.

Since Indonesian Covid19 Regulations are pretty strict, please make sure you are already vaccinated before submitting. All artist from abroad need to take care of their flight budget, quarantine, and local trains/flights to MOS Indonesia took place. MOS Indonesia Team will handle Accommodation for artist such as hotel room, daily meals and spray cans for the event.

Apply here

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