You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
The project ”Arte urbano para todxs en Villaverde’‘ was developed by Madrid Street Art Project during November and December 2016, with the collaboration of the District Board, Madrid Activa cultural program, La Unidad de Villaverde Este Neighborhood Association, and Santa Petronila Cultural Center. (more…)
CUBOLIQUIDO (Milan. 1974). A Versatile Artist and Pro 3D Street Painter. (more…)
This is the new wall of INTI thats was recently created in Arica, Chile. Titled: “PACHAKUTI” (Quechua), it represents the return to a cycle’s starting point. (more…)
12 artists, 12 months, one wall, one artistic intervention per month and an exhibition at the end of the year showcasing one unique piece created by each artist. Here we show you Irene Lopez Leon ‘s latest wall. (more…)
UK Artist D*Face has created not one but two impressive correlated works, a large-scale mural and a massive public sculpture made of five 40 foot long wooden arrows that each weigh more than 1,000 pounds located downtown Fort Smith. (more…)
The 4th realization for UNIQA Art Lodz public art, was recently finished. Polish artist Mona Tusz, a graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, created this spacious mural / relief with the elements of stained glass, wood and metal. (more…)
ARCY completed his largest mural to date this past summer. The mural measures roughly 160′ x 30′ and was painted on the rear of a grandstand stadium in Chicago, IL, USA. (more…)