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Interview: Nespoon

Interview: Nespoon

Talking about positive art

SAM Magazine


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“WAR PIGS” by BIFIDO 05/28/2016

Spanish artist BIFIDO latest’s work, in the small village of Penelles (Catalonia), represents a modern version of the battle of Don Quixote of Cervantes incredible book. (more…)

BiP giant mural in Oakland, California.

BiP giant mural in Oakland, California.

BiP just completed another giant mural in downtown Oakland, California, featuring a 91-year-old Oakland resident and sponsored in part by Molotow and Art Primo.


David Petroni in Selci

David Petroni in Selci 05/27/2016

David Petroni is the artist who continues the project created by Kill The Pig, “PUBBLICA” in the city of Selci.
An intervention designed and built specifically for the perimeter wall of the local cemetery. (more…)


kob/kobtropikal 05/25/2016

Victor Pacheco began painting graffiti with kob pseudonym, around 1999 in his hometown of Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, where part of his work still remains. (more…)


Bisser 05/24/2016

I’m Bisser. A 25 year old Belgian artist. Born in Leuven and studying animation in Ghent. I can’t remember when I started drawing. When I was a kid my brother was my big example. (more…)

Dgiphi aka Asur

Dgiphi aka Asur 05/22/2016

Dgiphi, Portuguese artist, born in 1993 this native of the Algarve, influenced by this art since very young. From the age of 12 he began to paint graffiti, since 11 years of dedication.


Nite Owl, Eddie Colla and D Young V

Nite Owl, Eddie Colla and D Young V 05/20/2016

Well into Spring, Nite Owl, Eddie Colla and D Young V decided to follow the road to a place winter was still making it’s last stand. A winter that no longer is, in a place that once was; an abandoned ski resort in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. (more…)

Sicknico – Pek Crew

Sicknico – Pek Crew

Slovakian street artist sicknico takes us into a journey of psychedelic quest. Focused mostly on exotic characters, aliens are probably something familiar to this.


Sinha 05/19/2016

Sinha is an artist that lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She has a large portfolio of walls mostly  based on her personal style depicting a sureal female purple figure or more, melting. (more…)


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44309 Street//Art Gallery, Dortmund

Interview: Nespoon

Interview: Nespoon

Talking about positive art.

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Nychos The Weird / Urban Spree 2014

A personal journey through the changes of street art in Berlin / by dAzErO

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