You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
For the first time the language of street art conquered and reshaped the urban landscape of a picturesque corner of Molise, the village of Civitacampomarano in the provinces of Campobasso. (more…)
Amaro Abreu, is based in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. He studied Visual Arts at Ulbra. He operates in urban art since 2006, painting and participating in events in cities in Brazil and contries in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, France and Germany. (more…)
Luca Ledda has shown us his latest project in Palermo!! This wall, 8 meters long and 4m high, is inside an occupated theatre, named TMO. (Teatro Mediterraneo Occupato) The theme of the project was about the strong roots these people have for their culture. (more…)
UNO street artist, has sent us some pictures and a short time lapse video of his interventions for CVTà street fest in Civitacampomarano (CB), Italy. The festival ran from Thursday, April 21 until Sunday, April 24, 2016 with the participation of six internationally known artists (more…)
Dan Ferrer ‘s last fresh mural work, titled: “SEE, LISTEN, REPLY” is done on the street, just a few days ago. The Spanish artist has raised our eye brows once again! (more…)
CVTA’ Fest took place a few days ago in Civitacampomarano, a small village in the province of Campobasso whith just 400 souls, mainly elderly. Artist Biancoshock, presented his project which blew our mind with his creativity and wonderful concept. (more…)
Banksy once said that “the people who run our cities don’t understand graffiti because they think nothing has the right to exist unless it makes a profit”. The House of Representatives of Cyprus, doesnt agree! (more…)