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Presented by the London-based poster gallery Flyingleaps, Derek Mawudoku’s quite underrated raw imagery arrived to Stavanger on the occasion of the 17th edition of Nuart Festival. (more…)
Social awarenes has been the main focus of the extended project co-organised by Urbanact and Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. from Dresden in Volos, Greece. Supported by the local Municipality of Volos, this was the second edition of “Urbanartventures” (more…)
The artistic duet Alegria del Prado have just painted a mural in the context of a partnership between the town hall of (Spain) and the commissioner of Starter Culture Projects. (more…)
Back at Nuart after three years of absence, the Portuguese artist ±MaisMenos± realized two outdoor pieces in the Norwegian city of Stavanger. (more…)
Moscow-based Slava Ptrk has taken part in the 17th edition of Nuart Festival with two outdoor murals, both stenciled and yet completely different from each other. First of all, Slava Ptrk painted “Poppies” on the side of the hotel Havly in downtown Stavanger. (more…)
Fresh new mural by MurOne – 12+1 project, urban art in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona, España). Iker Muro is an illustrator and graphic designer. He began to paint walls in 2002 and admit that every time murals and paintings have been replacing computer. (more…)
CÚMUL is an experimental laboratory with artists, designers and engineers from Barcelona that offers new architectural scenes. The physical limits disappear and the urban landscape becomes the canvas we work on and thus, fantastic scenes that make us doubt the established logic are generated. (more…)
Polish born street artist Yola (Jola Kudela) was recently invited to take part in this year’s Art Festival CONTEXTS2017 in Sokolowsko Laboratorium Sztuki, Poland. Her project, “The Blind leading The Blind”, consisted of a 70m2 paste up and a video “I choose not to”. (more…)
Besides contributing to the all-time Nuart classic ‘Aftenblad Wall’ (a large-scale billboard that has been taken over by different artists in the past years), the Australian Ian Strange left his posters of suburban homes with some bizarre twist all around the city of Stavanger. (more…)