New urban project by GripFace for the #blackrubbishisgoldproject in the Mediterranean. An installation of supermarket trolleys and garbage bags comes to remind us how all we purchase every day ends up as garbage on a daily basis.
”Bad Rubbish. We already know who we are inside, and that enables us to go outside with our sour face, even though that might confuse us with a certain mass of people, it is an exercise in self-awareness that illuminates us, something which its practitioners always recognize. Ambiguous bumps that appear in suspicious bags. Black faces without pigmentation, seeking their formal release to the prevailing visual perversion. Let’s get together to take action. Let’s wear just that one kind of balaclava. Many others -supposedly clean- are only a click away being able to react and begin the process. To stop pretending and start rehearsing their own sour faces. To recognize that discomfort, to fight back and be able to draw a new smile with dignity and self-criticism. Something honest with which to reconsitute the personal at the highest level, then being able to help build the collective as something organic that affects us all. Take out the garbage. Let’s use the night as our common ground, as the lunar time that has democratized most of our actions, actively and passively linking us together. Although we each shine in our own ways and have different expectations, at night we are all equal.”
Intervención urbana para el proyecto #blackrubbishisgold
Bad Rubbish. Sabemos ya quiénes somos dentro y eso nos capacita para poder salir afuera con esa mala cara que, aunque nos confunda con cierta masa, supone un ejercicio de autoconciencia que nos alumbra y que aquellos que lo practican reconocen. Ambiguos bultos que aparecen en sospechosas bolsas. Caras negras sin pigmentación, buscando su liberación formal ante la perversión visual imperante. Reunámonos para operar. Pongámonos solo ese tipo de pasamontañas.
A muchos de los otros —los supuestamente limpios— les basta un solo click para poder reaccionar y empezar también el proceso. Para dejar de fingir y empezar a ensayar sus propias malas caras. Para reconocer ese malestar, para poder luchar y volver a dibujar con dignidad y autocrítica una nueva sonrisa. Algo honesto con lo que retomar en un primer nivel lo personal, pudiendo contribuir luego en la construcción de lo colectivo como algo orgánico que nos afecta a todos. Saquemos la basura. Usemos la noche como lugar común, como esa franja horaria y lunar que ha venido democratizándonos en la mayoría de nuestras acciones, vinculándonos por activa o por pasiva. Aunque tengamos brillos y expectativas distintas, ahí somos todos pardos.
Mediterráneo 2018
You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
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