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Exhibition Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano.Bologna/Italy

March 18, 2016 to June 26, 2016

The exhibition curated by Luca Ciancabilla, Christian Omodeo and Sean Corcoran (curator of the New York City Museum), intends to explain the cultural value and artistic interest of street art.
The project stems from the desire of Professor Fabio Roversi-Monaco, President of Genus Bononiae, and a group of experts in the field of street art, with the aim to recover and preserve the murals to save them from demolition and preserve them from injury of time .

Curators propose also a series of initiatives to bring the visitors to understand the value and artistic urban art interest

-conferences And debates

-Aperitivi On display



Palazzo Pepoli – Museo della Storia di Bologna

T +39 051 7168808
[email protected]
Monday 14:30 to 20:00
Tue – Sun 10:00 to 20:00
Fri 10:00 to 22:00
(Ticket office closes one hour earlier)

Full € 13.00
Reduced € 11.00
Groups reduced € 11.00 (reservations required, min 15 max 25 people, miking required)
Schools € 5.00 (reservations required, min 15 max 25 people)



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