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Women StreetArt Festival “Warmi Paint”. Quito, Ecuador

November 11, 2015 to November 14, 2015

Warmi Paint© is an all women arts, and culture festival ready to launch in Quito, Ecuador this fall. A celebration of women street artists from Latin America who focus on; graffiti, street art, murals, and empowering others, especially young women through their colorful work.

A group of local and international artists will be selected by Maria “Toofly” Castillo and Ache Vallejo that will include countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, and others.

Warmi = Woman in quechua, the name of a people of the central Andes of South America and their language. Women of all ages from this part of the world will create a new vision of themselves, nurture their community, and reflect a powerful message.

Special guests of honor; LADY PINK, and MARTHA COOPER + 20 women will paint collaborative murals, host workshops, and present their life’s work to the Ecuadorian community.

International Artists:
Anarkia ( Brasil) Abusa Crew ( Chile ) Bastardilla ( Colombia ) Fio Silva ( Argentina ) Ledania ( Colombia ) Lili Cuca ( Colombia ) Pau (Germany/Chile)Rank ( Mexico ) Toofly ( NYC/ Ecuador ) Tysa ( Mexico ) Vero Rivera ( Puerto Rico )

Ecuador Artists:
Belu Loops, Bln Bike, Chink, Crispo, La Suerte, Lie, Maria, Males, MO, and Vera.

There will be graffiti films like “WILD STYLE” by producer Charlie Ahearn, Short films like “Street Heroines” by Alexandra Henry (NYC), a live performance byQarla Quispe (Peru),  and guest organizers like Catalina Bobone and Romina Bianchini who will chat with us about producing events.

Slideshow presentations, panels, youth workshops, pop-up shops, music concert and more!!!

The hop-on/hop off “Warmi Bus” invites our festival guests, and Quito community to visit the mural process live at 3 locations: 1. Contemporary Art Center 2. Universidad Central 3. La Floresta.

People of all ages will benefit from this unique cross cultural exchange, and community building experience. THE EVENT IS FREE!

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