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Fighting for Freedom of Expresssion – #FaltanPintadas 2018-07-23

Fighting for Freedom of Expresssion – #FaltanPintadas

The world of graffiti, muralism, and urban art joins the ‘No Callarem’ platform and launches a call for action in the streets with the hashtag #FaltanPintadas

Nearly 200 people have already signed the manifesto launched by a group of artists and institutions from the graffiti, muralism, and urban art fields to defend freedom of expression.
The artistic community is encouraging people to participate in, and to propagate, the #FaltanPintadas (not enough graffiti) street action during the weekend of 21st and 22nd July.
This collective already carried out a first action last May: a 57-metre long painting with the message “Llibertat d’expressió” (Freedom of Expression) on the roof of the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris.


MANIFIESTO #FaltanPintadas

After the many cases of censorship and attacks to freedom of expression we are suffering now, a group of artists and entities from the world of graffiti, muralism and urban art wants to express their rejection and call for action against this flagrant violation of human rights.

Having this in mind, they have elaborated a manifesto that has already been signed by nearly 200 people, in which they express their support to the “No Callarem” platform and make it clear that they won’t admit “any more censorship, media manipulation, corruption, police staging, inequalities before the law, political prisoners, or, of course, the continuous violation of human rights”. The collective claims that “the only walls we can and want to admit are the ones that can be painted on, with freedom of action and expression, using criticism and satire.”


Last May, a first action was already carried out: a 57-metre long painting with the message “Llibertat d’expressió” (Freedom of Expression) on the roof of the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris. This time, the collective calls once more for mobilization with a big event in the street named #FaltanPintadas. The weekend of 21st and 22nd July, artists and citizens are summoned to take painting as a form of free expression in the public space with messages and slogans defending freedoms, and spread them through the social media.

The action #FaltanPintadas takes its name from the song ‘Hace falta’, de Elgio, one of the rappers that, like Valtonyc and Pablo Hasél, have received prison sentences for their lyrics or messages they’ve posted on social media. Taking his verses as a starting point, last April over a hundred people recorded at Barcelona’s Modelo prison the song ‘Los borbones son Unos ladrones’, as an act of condemnation and solidarity with the artists that are suffering political repression within the context of the #RapearNoEsDelito campaign, and the events during the Week For Freedom of Expression leveraged by No Callarem.

Great project!!!



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