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Best of July (Street Art Collection) 2016 2016-08-05

Best of July (Street Art Collection) 2016

This month we have gathered it all up, once more, bringing you freshest street art. Artists from all over the world have contributed by sending in their creations to us for you to see. Here is our July  collection, enjoy and share .

HANDIEDAN in Richmond, USA

HANDIEDAN in Richmond, USA


sebas Velasco Bag Out Biennale -A.Garofalo- (Copiar)

Sebas Velasco  & Antonio Sena  in Italy


DSCN6363 (Copiar)



STMTS in Athens, Greece

STMTS in Athens, Greece


Menau in Spain

Menau in Spain


ZUKCLUB (Ovseikin S., Ivanov M.) in Moscow region

ZUKCLUB (Ovseikin S., Ivanov M.) in Moscow region, Russia


Aravani Art Project in India

Aravani Art Project in India


Dourone in Bilbao

Dourone in Bilbao


Alice Pasquini in Hamburg

Alice Pasquini in Hamburg



Wasp crew in Chivasso, Italy



MAKA in Gdansk, Poland


Dan Ferrer

Dan Ferrer in  Spain


TelmoMiel USA

TelmoMiel in USA



AFK in Norway



Alessio B in Padova, Italy


bird- Belgium

Bird in Belgium



Boaz Sides – Untay in Loures, Portugal


Bosoletti wall's in Acquapendente ( Italy) for Urban Vision Festival

Bosoletti in Acquapendente, Italy

letter Chaos, CERE & Lolo for La Mancha Colors Cuenca, Spain

letter Chaos, CERE & Lolo in Spain


DesX + Darek Blatta

DesX + Darek Blatta in Paganica, Italy


El Lolo argentina

El Lolo in Argentina


El Mac in Morocco

El Mac in Morocco


Etien Villefranche-sur-Sâone, France 1

Etien Villefranche-sur-Sâone, France

Etien Villefranche-sur-Sâone, France


F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah - Petrosino Italy

F CK Flavio Campagna Kampah – Petrosino, Italy


ferizuku Colombia stop war-2b

Ferizuku in Colombia


Herr Nilsson

Herr Nilsson in Sicily



INTI in Paris, France



Nodo-Milu-Correch-Impronte-2016-Credits-Salvatore-Curcio (9)

Milu Correch in Bonito, Avellino, Italy


NADA, Campo Maior, Portugal

NADA in Campo Maior, Portugal


MTO BUG -A French man in Milwaukee

MTO in Milwaukee, USA

Ernest-Zacharevic for POW POW Long Beach 2016

Ernest-Zacharevic in Long Beach, US



JPS in Bristol, UK


Jotapê Pax Brazil

Jotapê Pax in Brazil



ZABOU in London, UK


TakerOne Bristol Upfest

TakerOne in Bristol, UK


RUSL BANE&PEST Switzerland

RUSL BANE & PEST in Switzerland


Ricardo Romero

Ricardo Romero in Portugal



TUCO in France


unknown saint helen du lac FR

Unknown in Saint Helen du Lac, France


David Petroni in Poland

David Petroni in Poland


xolaka spain

Xolaka in Spain

Did you enjoy this? Check out more:

Best of June (Street Art Collection) 2016

Best of May (Street Art Collection) 2016

Best of April (Street Art Collection)

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