The 2021 edition of the Cvtà Street Fest based in Italy is currently underway. The soul of Civitacampomarano smiles to the future! Two new murals where made by Cristian Blanxer and Victor Garcia Repo for the little village!
We have our roots into glimpses, smells, memories, corners of the city and countryside. The memory resurfaces when we observe a detail, a spark that makes us go back in time. A maternal comfort, remembering experiences linked to past moments. In the alleys of Civitacampomarano they walked generations after generations, they stopped at the doors to chat, they sat on wooden chairs to find refreshment in hot summers. A walking that seemed destined to stop, but here art has given back a life, a light. Powerful, colorful, contagious. This is why Civitacampomarano is not only a small village of three hundred inhabitants, but it is also the smile of a little girl, Emma, who on these streets is learning to put one step ahead of another. She embraces the people, her dress is her place of origin and she will always carry it with her, in her soul. Here, where wrinkles and gray hair intertwine, there is also the radiance of those who are growing up. And that she looks to the future with a shy but genuine smile.
For a few hours in two or three consecutive days, they lost the two Spanish artists. They wanted a surprise, a gift to be discovered only when they would go away. But Civitacampomarano has eyes everywhere and a old lady – (this is how it works there!) – said she saw two boys with brushes and paint in the old and abandoned part of the town.
Here, Cristian and Victor were working on this! Scrolling through the various photos of the festival and of past memory, they saw this frame in black and white, familiar: four smiling girls looking out of a window. They wanted to bring back this picture linked to the past, but which is still link to the present. The two youngest girls, two sisters, are Maria and Graziella, one still lives in Civitacampomarano, the other has moved to Rome. Antonietta also went to live in the capital years ago, while Giulia emigrated to Argentina between the 1950s and 1960s.
CVTà Street Fest | Il festival dell’arte di strada di Civitacampomarano
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