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Upside Down Circus by ETNIK 2020-07-11

Upside Down Circus by ETNIK

“Upside down Circus” is the latest wall painted by Etnik in the wonderful “urban park” of Torino. The are has been obtained from a once active old still mill factory. This wall represents in his details some urban characteristics of the city like modern and clean shapes and in the opposite favelas and decay suburbs. Like in this “industrial park”, in the painting the landscape is lived by jugglers, acrobats, skaters, bikers, etc. Everything that represents the “street circus”.

Enjoy the fine images the artist has shared with us on his work!

About the artist: 

ETNIK is a Graffiti-artist since early ’90. He works on big murals and indoor productions on canvas, sculpture and installations. Born in Stocholm (Sweden) and now
lives and works in Turin (Italy). From 2001 his style started to evolve into geometrical and architectural forms and he is still working on the lettering with a mixture of urban landscapes.

Artist Links:
FB: Etnik

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